Have you ever found yourself wondering if you are choosing the best genetic index? With so many indicies to choose from now, it can be overwhelming and confusing to know which one is best for you. TPI? DWP? NM$? Another index? We’re here to help you simplify this choice based on your specific circumstances and what your goals are for the future. To help guide you through this process, let’s look at 4 simple questions to help you determine the best index for you.
Which cows on the dairy are your favorite?
Getting out into the barn and walking behind your cows is the best way to pinpoint which traits you like and which ones you do not like. Evaluate the whole herd before answering this first question. Start by looking at the young cows, fresh cows, and then work your way to the pens with older cows. While walking through the cows, ask yourself questions like:
“How long are my cows lasting in the herd?”
“Why are cows leaving the herd?”
“Why is she my favorite?”
“How would I feel if every cow in this barn was a replica of my favorite cow?”
In 5 years, do I want my cows to be bigger, smaller, or the same size?
This question will help you think critically about which linear traits are important when reaching your goals, if any. The goal of every farmer is to increase profit. In certain situations, this means you should shift your focus away from linears and re-focus on traits that directly impact profitability. When looking at a linear, we’ve been trained to want to see all the bars heavily weighted towards the right.

Consider this bull. His linear looks “great”! But what will this bull provide? Daughters that are taller and larger than average. Is that what your goal is?
Now consider this second bull. Do you ever see a bull with a linear like this and begin to hesitate? However, if you break down the linear, you see a cow who is near average stature and still proportionate to herself, balanced, dairy, and open ribbed, with very strong udder attachments. This is the type of bull you want if your cows need to be the same size or smaller!

In 5 years, given the choice between Production, Type, Reproduction or Overall Health, which one of these four would you like to see the most improvement in?
This is a difficult question, as most people will respond by saying they would like to see improvements in all four! Experiment with different ways to phrase this question to find one that you feel works best for you.
“Ok, let’s simplify it. If I had to choose to improve production or type more, which would I choose?”
“If I had to choose to improve reproductive performance or overall health (fresh cow diseases and mastitis), which would I choose?”
“I said I wanted to improve feet and legs. Do I want to improve the conformation, or did I mean I would like to see less lameness and fewer hoof health issues?”
This question sets you up well for question number 4, which allows you to dive a little deeper into determining what your priorities are.
Rank the following 10 traits in order from MOST important to you to LEAST important to you:
1. Type
2. Production – Volume
3. Production – Components
4. Fertility/Reproduction
5. Mastitis Resistance
6. Lameness Resistance
7. Calf Health
8. Overall Cow Health
9. Feed Efficiency
10. Udder Conformation/Teat Size & Placement
After asking yourself those 4 simple questions, you should have a good idea of what kind of a cow you are looking for. Consider the chart below that shows the relative emphasis of each of the 10 traits above and how they are considered in each formula. What were the 3 traits of most importance to you and your goals? Which index shows these traits as a high or medium emphasis?
We would love to talk through these questions with you, while taking into consideration your specific cows, barn, environment, and future plans. Contact your local genetic advisor to set up a consultation.